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  • About - Prakash Engineering & Gear Co.

    Prakash Engineering & Gear Co. is manufacturer and suppliers of different type of Conveyor, Crusher Gears, Bolt, Stud, High light, Gear Box, Chain Wheel & Duplex, Concrete Mixer also any spare Parts of machine. Our company gives full commitment for products quality and assurence of all customers return of investments in very short term. We are giving good news to all machinery industries, We have completed 3 successfull years manufacturing and supply of conveyor, conveyor plants, crusher gear manufacturer & concrete mixer manufacturer also at our manufacturing unit. 
    A common vision to give fully satisfaction to the needs of all customers worldwide motivates the skilled professionals at Prakash Engineering & Gear Co. to make a different types of ideas to work and to deliver at the market innovative products.Prakash Engineering & Gear Co. has given full Support to our customers and the confidence of companies Quality assurance.

    Prakash Engineering & Gear Co. believe in working effectively and efficiently to deliver products that fully satisfy our customer's need. High quality products which is companies motto and total conformance to high standard of quality industrial products in full range. Prakash Engineering & Gear Co. has the inclination to have sound business ties and will very much appreciate to receiving your valued inquiries. We are committed to render you better services with prompt attention at all the times

Happy Clients and lots more year ahead will be added.

Projects of unsurpassed products and services to the clients.

Support To embrace new technologies and methods.

Hard Workers provide high quality service to customers.

Belt Conveyor Manufacturer * Bolt Stud Highlight * Chain Wheel Single And Double * Concrete Mixer Spare Parts * Conveyor * Conveyors * Crusher Gear * Elevators And Conveyors * Gear Box * Idler Roller * Mobile Conveyor Manufacturer * Radler Conveyors * Roller Conveyor Manufacturer * Screw Conveyors * Slat Conveyor Manufacturer * Material Handling Machinery (Conveyors And Elevators) * Material Handling Equipments (Conveyors And Elevators)